8th Anniversary of Paying Homage Ceremony to Old Teachers! by 1962-75 Old Students of SHS(1)Yankin

7th anniversary of Paying Homage Ceremony to Old Teachers' record photos

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Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.

Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated!

We must give to our old teachers as they are being old and in weak of health.Let us donate and contribute for our Old Teachers!We have chance to contribute for our Old Teachers at 8th anniversary of Paying Homage Ceremony to Old Teachers who were served as Teachers at SHS(1)Yankin 1962 to 1975  on January 1,2006 Sunday.Please contact us immediately as we do our best as we can.As we say above that Deeds are better than words when Our Old Teachers are in need of our contributions ! OK..!!

Please share our love and contribute their needs.It is a time for our duty to look after our old teachers.We meet again on...

January 1, 2006  Sunday : SHS(1)Yankin ,

Thiriyadanar Hall  at 1:00PM


Dear Friends !
This picture is 7th anniversary of Paying Homage Ceremony to Old Teachers by 1962-75 Old Students of SHS(1)Yankin ; Sayama Daw Than Htwe was speaking at 7th anniversary, to old students who were attending on that day, on behalf of Old Teachers on January 2,2005 at Thiri Yadanar Hall of SHS(1)Yankin. Her speech is very interesting and memorablel for us.
Just feel it ! We will never forget that day in our memory..It's true Friends..Please come and join us together as you can understand what is the most important in your life time and you can feel what you ever imagine before. You are always warmly welcome !

Sayama Daw Than Htwe speaks words to old students
Dear Friends ! It's very interesting


Here I might add a description of the photo above, including such information as when and where it was taken and why it's important to me.You can see more pictures of 7th anniversary of paying homage ceremony to old teachers by 1962-75 old students of SHS(1)Yankin.Thank you for taking your time to visit and see our activities.You are always welcome by our old students of SHS(1)Yankin 1962-75 School mate.

Some of the sweetest hours of life on retrospect will be found to have been spent with old friends! We must understand the differences among us and celebrate the sameness. We must make the world a place where love and friendship dominate our hearts.Equality, respect, compassion and kindness must guide our actions. We need to share more and own less. We need to establish a strong ethical basis as a way of life.

On that day, we exchanged smiles, laughed in eyes with hear-beats. Talked to each other...Meet old friends and our old teachers with each other !


This photo is Saya U Khin Maung Yin
U Khin Maung Yin speaks words of thanks at 7th anniversary to old students

Lt.Col.Khin Maung Sann (Rtd.)
He is speaking at opening ceremony

1962-1975 Old students of SHS (1) Yankin
8th anniversary of respect paying ceremony